Just somewhere to keep my notes while I'm playing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A new direction - PHP and MySQL

I have decided to focus on the LAMP stack, primarily PHP rather than Perl at the moment, and MySQL rather than Postgresql.
  1. create a tablespace
  2. create a database
  3. create a user to own the database
  4. create a role for the user to be in
  5. create a table for publisher
  6. create a table for artist
  7. create a table for CDs, referential integrity against artist and publisher
  8. create a table for tracks, referential integrity against CD
  9. create a read-only user
  10. write backup scripts for the database
  11. ensure that deleting a CD deletes all tracks
  12. ensure that deleting an artist deletes all CDs and tracks
  13. write a report to report in number of CDs owned by artist
  14. create data load scripts for publisher, artist and CDs
  15. write forms to allow entry of publishers, artists, CD's and tracks
  16. write a form to list the tracks of a selected CD
  17. write a report to list all the CD's owned by an owner

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