Just somewhere to keep my notes while I'm playing.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Inner and Outer Joins

To Demonstrate inner and outer joins, the first thing I need to do is to add some data in to the database that isn't referenced by another table. So here I'm adding a publisher that I have no CDs for. Alas, no Beatles in my collection!

mysql> insert into publisher (name) values ('Apple Records');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

A normal join would not tell us about Apple Records, as there is nothing to report.

mysql> SELECT c.title, p.name FROM cdtable c, publisher p
-> where c.pubid = p.id;
| title | name |
| Waking Up | EMI |
| Bethany Dillon | EMI |
| Imagination | EMI |
| Guaranteed | SONY |
| 15 | SONY |
| Made To Love Magic | Island Records |
| Five Leaves Left | Island Records |
| Bryter Layter | Island Records |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


We get the same results when we code an Inner Join,

mysql> SELECT c.title, p.name FROM cdtable c INNER JOIN publisher p ON c.pubid = p.id;
| title | name |
| Waking Up | EMI |
| Bethany Dillon | EMI |
| Imagination | EMI |
| Guaranteed | SONY |
| 15 | SONY |
| Made To Love Magic | Island Records |
| Five Leaves Left | Island Records |
| Bryter Layter | Island Records |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


When we code a righthand outer join on Publisher, we see Apple, but with no CDs of course.

mysql> SELECT c.title, p.name FROM cdtable c RIGHT OUTER JOIN publisher p ON c.pubid = p.id;
| title | name |
| Waking Up | EMI |
| Bethany Dillon | EMI |
| Imagination | EMI |
| Guaranteed | SONY |
| 15 | SONY |
| Made To Love Magic | Island Records |
| Five Leaves Left | Island Records |
| Bryter Layter | Island Records |
| NULL | Apple Records |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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